Education sector health and safety specialists
Academies and MATs
Consultancy, training and compliance services for academies and multi academy trusts (MATs). We can help to bring a unified approach to health and safety across several schools in your MAT. Take control of the cost, reporting, systems, compliance and safety of all your schools easily, in one place.

What we offer
Expert health and safety services tailored for Academies and MATs

Training courses specifically designed for academies, including managing asbestos, managing contractors, risk assessment for special events & school trips, fire safety, property risk management and first aid.
A range of compliance audits, tailored to your institution to ensure the safety of your pupils, colleagues, contractors and visitors.
We help to develop your policies, procedures, handbooks and education specific health and safety management systems. We use the latest technology to help you manage policies, procedures and facilities management online.
We review your existing policies, procedures, training, risk assessments and communications to identify and close gaps which may increase the risk of an incident, potentially exposing you to civil claims or prosecution.
We provide a range of flexible educational safety management systems for all types of schools and colleges.